With the growing trend in the naturals community more and
more people are deciding to rock locs. Also with that increase there are an
exorbitant amount of products marketed for locs, braids and twists. Interesting
enough as I stated in an earlier blog “Exposing Deception in Natural HairProducts” some of these lines simply add a mere drop of “catch phrase”/
“Trending” natural oils or butters to lure you into purchasing their hair care
I know many of you do your own locs at home; either for cost
reasons, trust issues, or simply a preference, its really hard to see and reach
the back of your head, which leads to you not being able to tell the full
extent of what you have going on with your tresses. You can always ask a friend
or complete stranger (as their answer will be unbiased) to be brutally honest
and tell you what they see going on with your hair. Although they may not have
a trained eye and know what to look for, it may help you to get a better understanding
of what’s really going on with your locs.

There is this HUGE MAJOR debate going on about what products
to use on locs and what products to stay away from. OMG, if I see one more
person say that they use XYZ line, I’m going to scream… Aaaaaaahhhhhh (woo I just saw another post, rolls eyes)
Here’s my take on hair care lines… If you like it keep rocking with it. BUT
(and that’s a HUGE BUT) if and when you decide to choose a professional
loctician to care for your locs and they say you have build up and need an ACV
soak for an additional charge, just fork over the duckets and don’t get in your
Just be cautious of what you are putting in your hair, locs,
dreadlocks & etc. Those unnatural ingredients (made in a lab and not in
nature) are also being absorbed in your skin. That skin on your head is called
scalp, which is really close to your brain. IJS (that might explain why some
are a little… well ummmm… you know) LOL Use
whatever works for you. There are a plethora of hair textures and curl
patterns, so what works for one may not work for others. Choose your products
wisely, the less you do and use makes it S.imple to K.eep Y.our H.air H.ealthy!
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