Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Is Co-washing good for the hair?

Is Co-washing good for the hair?

First of all you wash clothes, cars, dishes and your body; you shampoo your hair. (Hence shampoo for hair and soap for all else. LOL)  But for the sake of the term “co-washing” I will use it. I have been reading, hearing and seeing about this ridiculous faux pas.  Many of you have fallen into this trend of co-washing. Well just to clear the air, its not considered washing if you are not removing dirt and build up. So technically washing your hair with conditioner is like washing dirty dishes with oil. You wouldn’t do that now would you? Well maybe some of you would try it because you saw a YouTube video of someone doing it. LMAO. But I wouldn’t eat or drink using your dishes. Ewww. Or it’s like taking a shower and instead of soap using lotion. Hmmm wonders how funky people would be if someone actually tried that. (Gags a bit)

I mean really, so you are going to take your dirty hair and put conditioner on it and seal in the dirt and build up in your hair, totally not cool, SMH. You should shampoo your natural hair at least 2 times using hot water. Hot water lifts the cuticle layer of your hair, which is where your products sit when you apply them. Your first shampoo is to lift & loosen dirt. Your second shampoo is to remove dirt. Shampooing your hair with a clarifying shampoo helps to remove dirt from natural oils, sweating or outside debris and build up from the plethora of products that you use in your hair.  Clarifying shampoos are clear, see through. They will be also labeled as daily cleansers. The second shampoo should be a moisturizing one. Moisturizing shampoos are creamy and opaque in color.  They are great for replenishing the moisture that you just removed with the clarifying shampoo. Your hair should feel squeaky clean once done shampooing. If it doesn’t shampoo again until it does.

Follow up by utilizing a conditioner to help seal in the moisture. If your hair is severely dry you can use a steamer or place a processing cap on and sit under dryer for 15-30 minutes. From what I have found in my product junkie days is that products that are aimed at Caucasian people tend to be more moisturizing to textured hair. These products are not harsh like some of the ones geared towards textured hair. When rinsing conditioner out use cool or cold water. This helps to close the cuticle layer and seal that moisture into your lovely tresses.

When blowing the hair dry alternate between the hot and cool settings. This way it doesn’t burn your hair and it helps to seal that moisture in your hair. If you are noticing a fog or smoke when blow-drying that’s an indication that your hair is still dirty or it has product left on it. Go back and rinse until water runs clear. If you follow this regiment you will notice that your hair will be healthier, softer, and have more body. It’s not that difficult to have healthy hair. It’s really easy. Naturalistas, Always remember less is more when it comes to natural hair.

See more tips on website:

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